Warsztaty OECD

For better management !
At the beginning of November,  a group of Żywiec City Hall employees  had a meeting. Main goal was   an assumption of action plan development for Żywiec City, based on self-assessment with the OECD method.
Local development depends on many factors. It requires active involvement of all stakeholders, including all levels of government, business and civil society, for the strengthening of local capacities adapted to local needs, effective institutional capacity and optimization of local government governance mechanisms.
What do the OECD means? for whom is it? Why?
The Self-Assessment Tool for Local Government Units in Poland (SAT) was developed by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in partnership with the Polish Cities Association, and active participation of Polish local authorities and other public institutions.
Thanks to OECD  city, county or municipality can make a  comprehensive review of the development management process in the following aspects:
- development planning,
- improvement of public services
 and institutional preparation for effective development management.
The self-assessment will result in:
 - Improved processes - the self-assessment will review current procedures and integrate the development management process.
 - Increase in institutional capital - the self-assessment encourages systemic improvement aimed at strengthening the organization’s strategic management competencies.
- Knowledge alignment - the self-assessment team will strengthen competencies in strategic development management.

Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/935-oecd-workshop-behind-us